Michael van Gessel (chairman)
Landscape architect, Amsterdam
Lynn Kinnear
Landscape architect, director of Kinnear Landscape Architects, London
Jacqueline Osty
Landscape architect, Paris
João Gomes da Silva
Landscape architect, director of Global Arquitectura Paisagista, Lisbon
Stephan Kuhn
Landscape architect, director of Kuhn Truninger Landschaftsarchitekten, Zurich
Lisa Diedrich (editor in chief)
Architect, professor of landscape architecture, critic and editor, Munich
Hubertus Adam
Art historian, critic, editor-in-chief of archithese, Zurich
Mark Hendriks
Spatial planner, journalist, editor of Blauwe Kamer, Utrecht
Ana Kucan
Landscape architect, director of AKKA, professor at the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana